Western Voices

By Eric Lombardo
"People can’t hold their own attention in life anymore. Everything is full of distractions. Even when people do take time off, they spend $5000 to get guided around someplace far away and they think about work the whole time. For us, though, we like to go out on our own and explore.
Hiking is a chance for us to do something unique, and it provides a challenge and sense of accomplishment. I got into this back in college, when my buddies started inviting me on a backpacking trip they did every year. This was before the age of all this fancy gear. We carried so much stuff. You know those big metal grills that go over fires? We would carry one of those with us. The gear has changed a lot but we still try and keep it simple.
Along Chicken-Out Ridge on the way to Mount Borah, the highest point of Idaho and the Lost River Range"
 Western Voices is a weekly photo project conducted by Eric Lombardo, a Northwestern senior, and project partner Alex Lochoff. For more information about the project, read the introduction here  or contact me at ericlombardo@u.northwestern.edu.


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