Western Voices

By Eric Lombardo
"I have been thinking a lot about where success comes from. Is it the whole motivation and perspiration thing? Is it natural talent? More and more I think it’s about life experiences. Experiences you have in nature challenge you. Last week, I got a tip from a ranger about an unmarked trail, and I found myself on top of a cliff. I’m bad with heights, it took some courage to get back down. But there is value in overcoming that. Nature has this way of throwing a snag in your plan. You can’t control everything.
I wish more people would come all the way down the canyon. People drive along on the rim, and yeahs that's great, but they’ve got air conditioning on and the windows up. To me, there’s a natural inclination to go experience nature. Roll down the window, at least! I always wonder if it’s a social construct to ‘get back to nature’ or if it’s real. After all, we aren’t that many generations away from when there was no technology.
Riverbank at the bottom of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Colorado"
 Western Voices is a weekly photo project conducted by Eric Lombardo, a Northwestern senior, and project partner Alex Lochoff. For more information about the project, read the introduction here  or contact me at ericlombardo@u.northwestern.edu.

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