Posts tagged waste
Behind the Silver Screen: Environmental Degradation in the Film Industry

It takes a lot to make a movie. Sitting in front of the silver screen, it becomes easy to forget about what happens behind the scenes to create the final Hollywood product. The cost of creating that movie magic is oftentimes extensive and irresponsible environmental damage. Ginny Lee has the story.

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Single-Use Plastic Waste Surges During COVID-19 Pandemic

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in March, the production of single-use plastic and disposable medical masks has skyrocketed. Now, this waste has begun to overwhelm waste management systems and pollute ecosystems worldwide in an unforeseen consequence of these safety measures. Genevive Kosciolek has the story.

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The Secrets of Fast Fashion, Revealed

Fast fashion can be defined as cheap, trendy clothing that are discarded almost as quickly as they are created. It’s harmful to our wallets, well-being and most importantly, the environment. How can we make this phenomenon more widely known to the public? In her debut article, Margo Milanowski proposes a simple solution: infographics.

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